Monday 18 January 2016

At the start of the year, we made a blogger account. Since then we’ve added loads onto it.
The first piece of work we did on the blogger was about urban environments and what they where and where they where. So, we explained what one was then we went out and took some pictures of what we thought was an urban environment OR find some pictures, which we had taken previously of what we thought was an urban environment. This then links into the next piece of work, which we did. Rule of thirds. The rule of thirds wasn’t the easiest at first for me because I didn’t really understand much about it, but once we’d learnt a lot more about it, it became I bit easier. Another thing we did was, find an image and describe the rule of thirds within the photo.

Next, we started learning about urban juxtapositions. An urban juxtaposition is something in a place, which you wouldn’t normally find it. I found a few images which I had taken and put them on my blogger.

Then, we started to learn about Typography. Not the most interesting thing I’ve learned but it all goes towards the final piece towards the end. But, apart from that I’ve learned different type fonts and what they all mean.

And finally, all this work, which we have done, leads up to the big thing. The exhibition poster for the Turnpike Gallery in Leigh. We made this poster by using ADOBE ILLUSTATOR. Creating a poster for the new gallery which is opening.

Over the year, it’s been hard because I’m new to all the Photoshop and editing stuff, but I think I’ve improved because I came here with no idea what to do, to being able to edit photos all by myself. But the only time I need or ask for assistance is when I really really cant do something.

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