Monday 14 September 2015

Urban Environments

This image shows the rule of thirds.  Because the image is portrait it looks like it's not going to work. But it will, you'll have the flower effect in some of the boxes but you'll also have parts of the branch and parts of the background city in the boxes. So the rule of thirds will work.

This next image will capture the rule of thirds because this picture is full of lots of different things. Meaning that in every box you will have things which can vary from buildings to tress and then to water. The reason why i chose this image as well is because (left hand side for example) if you start with the top box, then you'll get the effect of the sky. Then with the box underneath it, you'll get some of the tree and then with the bottom box, you'll get the effect of the water. And then so on with the other boxes. So, in my opinion the rule of thirds will work with this image.
The reason why i chose this image is because you will get the rule of thirds here. Although the image is filled with building, in every box it will all be completely different. This is because you'll have some small building, medium sized building and tall buildings. But apart from size, you'll get the effect of the different colours within the image. So again, the rule of thirds will work.

With this image which I have chosen, the rule of thirds will work. Even though there is a massive railing in front. This is because you won't have the railings in every box. You'll gradually lose the railing the further you go down the image. And even though it's a zoomed out image, you'll still get the effect of the rule of thirds.
This image which has been chosen isn't in an urban environment, but the rule of thirds will work. This is because once it's been cut up, you'll get different colours in some boxes but also different flowers in certain boxes. You'll also get the back of the image and the bottom of the image, but i still think that the rule of thirds will work.

This doesn't show that it's an urban environment but it is in one. But it does capture the rule of thirds. Every square will be completely different. So it does work.

With this image which i have chosen, it is in a city so it is an urban environment. The rule of thirds will work once it's been cut up. This is because it has lots of different things to cut up. You're cutting up the lights, but also the top of the crowd and the bottom part of the crowd. And once it's cut up, you may have two colours colliding with each other.
 The rule of thirds will work on this because everything is so spaced out it won't all be clumped together so everything will be in every single box. But with this image, what i like about it, is you'll have something  different in each box. You'll have the sea in one box, people sun bathing in another, the bushes is another one, the villas and the sky in others. So in every way, the rule of thirds will work.

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