Monday 28 September 2015


This image is an urban juxtaposition because it's in a place where you wouldn't normally find architecture.  But it works as well because it's in a city and there was no sign of a boat crash for tragedy in new york (not that i would remember) so why this would be there, is random. Making it an urban juxtaposition.

This image is an urban juxtaposition because it's in an usual place. It's in an unusual place because you wouldn't normally see fire at a match. But it looks like it's not supposed to be there because it looks like its floating and not coming out of a machine. Making it look like it's not supposed be there, i would class this as an urban juxtaposition.

This image is an urban juxtaposition because you would never find a set of grapes places on an electricity box. With this image, the grapes where just placed there, they where exactly there how i found them. So it was strange to find some grapes rotting away in the sunset. A place where you wouldn't usually expect to find grapes. Mainly in a fridge.
This is in an urban juxtaposition because it's unusual to find a helmet on a laptop. You'd usually see a helmet in someones cupboard or on someones head, not on a laptop.
Here is another example of an urban juxtaposition because it's in a place where it shouldn't be. You would never find the object / subject here. So in my opinion, this here is a good example of an urban juxtaposition.

This image is an urban juxtaposition because this bench is in a random place but also there is a teddy on it and you wouldn't normally find a teddy left on a bench around college.

This here is another example of an urban juxtaposition. This is because my object/subject is placed where you wouldn't normally find it or wouldn't normally be there. This is why i chose the place where the object should go. So in this case, it's an urban juxtaposition.

Also, this image is an urban juxtaposition because the teddy is placed on a wall and you wouldn't normally find a teddy on a wall, especially at college. This is definitely an urban juxtaposition.

The image I have taken is an example of an urban juxtaposition because the object / subject is placed in a weird place because you wouldn't normally find it there. Only on toy story but in the real world you wouldn't. So, i do think it's a good example of an urban juxtaposition.

This image which I have taken is another example of an urban juxtaposition because it's in an urban place but also the object / subject is in a place where it shouldn't be. So this image repreents an urban juxtaposition.

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